This is not a solicitation or offer to sell securities and should not be construed as such, and no facts relating to actual investment are presented. Discussion of U.S. Federal and State Tax Implication of such investments is meant to be general in nature and does not discuss all aspects of U.S. Federal and State Income Taxation that may be relevant to a current or prospective Investor.
None of INCEPTION FINANCIAL LLC and its affiliates (collectively, “Inception”) provides tax, legal or accounting advice. The information provided by Inception is for general informational purposes only and may not be current or relevant to a current or prospective investor and should not be construed to be tax, legal, or accounting advice. We strongly advise consulting with a licensed CPA, tax professional, and/or attorney with respect to any such information. Inception disclaims any liability for investment decisions made based on this information. Investors are responsible for verifying such information and seeking professional advice as applicable to them.